All the links!

This is a place to find the links to all the information you could possibly need for UKGovcamp 2023.

Code of Conduct

Need to report an incident? Contact the Govcamp organisers at or call us on 07751 673 389

Read our full Code of Conduct here.

Session Grid

The session grid will be updated with all your pitches and available here:
UKGovcamp 2023 Session Grid

Event booklet

A PDF will be available here soon: UKGovcamp 2023 Event Booklet

You can also access the original source file to save a copy and change the font typeface or size to something that better suits your needs.

Tips for running / supporting sessions

Please head over to this tips for session leaders guide.

Opening & Closing Ceremonies

These will be held on Google Meet. Links are on the Session Grid and will be here:

  • UKGovcamp 2023 Opening Ceremony
  • UKGovcamp 2023 Closing Ceremony

Keeping in touch

We’re all over in Slack; if you haven’t signed up to the UKGovcamp Workspace before, click here!

Can you help?

Help us make Govcamp more environmentally sustainable through buying trees in GroveCamp