UKGovCamp is sponsoring VCSSCamp London
VCSSCamp London

Description of the proposed Event: Unconference for people involved with voluntary sector infrastructure, mainly in London, working with local organiser Superhighways, interested in better service delivery and governance using technology to improve transparency, engagement, service delivery or collaboration (websites, social media, data, email, mobile, productivity tools etc)
Infrastructure organisations are the backbone of civil society organisations, and could do more and better using technology – the unconference format gives them an opportunity to share and explore ideas, engage with peers and learn/practice new stuff
How much they want: £500
What they would use the funding for: catering, venue hire, small amount of organiser and volunteers expenses (usually travel)
About them: [Pauline Roche is] MD of a social enterprise (RnR Organisation) supporting the use of technology and data for impact in the collaborative economy. We work with small, mission-driven organisations, especially those who use or want to use and improve their digital skills, tools and data to work smarter in asset-based community development programmes.
I’m a qualified librarian and community development worker, regular attendee and organiser/volunteer of other unconferences e.g. UKGovCamp, Local GovCamp, Open Data Camp, Comms Camp – I think this format works, having organised and run all 7 previous VCSSCamps, including a previous one in London for mainly London-based infrastructure organisations