UKHealthcamp 2020 have successfully applied to the UKGovCamp grant fund and will receive £500. Below is their application:
Name of applicant: Matthew Stibbs
Description of the event: UK Health Camp is an annual free unconference for anyone interested in digital, design, technology and data for health and care. It is inspired by, and closely mirrors and learns from, UKGovCamp. We are bringing the event back to London this year (having been in Manchester and Newport the last two years) before we head back off around the country for the next couple of years.
You can find out more at:
How much funding are you looking for? £500
What do you expect the funding will be used for? We have a fairly simple approach to funding allocation. As a relatively young event, we don’t have a big buffer (although we did make a few hundred surplus last year).
We will first secure the venue and associated costs (e.g. security) and ensure we can provide subsistence, and that we have the basic materials needed to run the event. Then we consider how we can invest in improving the value of the event through things like archival (photography) and targeted diversity improvements. We have previously offered travel bursaries, but having just offered a creche service at NHS Hack Day (another event I’m involved with) for the first time we are hoping to do the same with UK Health Camp this year (funding allowing).
Finally, please tell us a bit about yourself, what you do, and your interest in running this event: I’m a tech product blah person working in the NHS, and along with a team of voluntary co-organisers and friends have been running health-related community events for a few years now. I’m still full of enthusiasm for doing this stuff so intend to keep going for a good few years yet!
We take a lead from UKGovCamp on a lot of things, and want to keep building the UK Health Camp community in the same sort of way.