Library Data Day

The United Government Camp logo

Below is the text of a successful grant application. Description: A set of interested individuals from public libraries across the UK are putting together a ‘Library …

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UK Health Camp 2017

UK Health Camp logo

Below is the text of a successful grant application. Description: UK Health Camp is a free unconference for everyone interested in digital, design, technology and …

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GovCamp Cymru 2017

GovCamp Cymru

Below is the text of a successful grant application. Description: The event is and unconference aimed at people in interested in supporting an open and …

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#homelesshack Leeds

The United Government Camp logo

Below is the text of a successful grant application. Description: We want to run an hackathon to tackle issues around homelessness. The idea is that we …

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Gov Camp Connect logo

Below is the text of a recently approved grant application. Proposed event: GovCampConnect. Purpose:  to promote the GovCamp unconference model to the digital government sector …

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The United Government Camp logo

Below is the exact text of a recently approved grant application. Proposed event: SilentGovCamp. Description of the proposed Event: A silent govcamp. The purpose and …

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ThingsCamp 3

Things Camp logo

Below is the exact text of a recently approved grant application for ThingsCamp 3. Proposed Event: We’re continuing a series of ThingsCamps around the country, …

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Leeds Service Jam

Applicant: Lisa Jeffery Funding agree: £500 Description of the event: Taking place 17 – 19 February 2017, Leeds Service Jam is a part of Global Service …

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